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Deepak Reddy


Product Development

In 2015,  Deepak saw the drastic state of farmers in his village where most villagers had given up farming as it was no longer feasible. He knew the solution was to bring Automation to farms. By then he was working in the Collaborative Autonomous System Laboratory (CASL) of California State University Long Beach on various Autonomous systems such as Drones, rovers, etc. To realize the potential of autonomous technology in agriculture, he teamed up with Avinash to start Rowbotix Agtech.


Avinash Karale
Business Development & Operation


Avinash comes from a family of farmers. He grew up in a village in the Vidarbha region of Maharashtra. For higher education, he moved to the city and obtained his bachelor's degree in Automobile Engineering from the University of Pune. Although he worked for various automobile manufacturing companies, he always wanted to do something for agriculture. He knows first hand the problem faced by the farmers and for that reason, he co-founded this startup to develop products that can solve their issues. Avinash is also a recipient of the prestigious Mahatma Gandhi National Fellowship and is currently, pursuing MBA in Public Policy and Economic Development from IIM, Nagpur 

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